#candidbranded Series: Lasso

Through our relationship with Evergy’s Economic Development team, candid was contracted to help name and create a brand for a new data collector application, which is a joint venture between Evergy and Global Location Strategies. After brainstorming multiple naming and creative options, Lasso was selected. 

As a verb, the word lassoed or lassoing means to catch with or more actionable to lasso. This concept of lassoing — or collecting — information is the driver behind this name concept. The word lasso is descriptive and invokes thoughts of the action of wrangling multiple items and drawing them back to a central location.

To depict this definition, the logo uses a hand drawn lasso circled around the type. It is simple, self-contained and easy to read. The colors are modern, clean and fresh.

#candidbranded #branding #economicdevelopment

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